It’s finally winter break and I’m sure you’re glued to your couch (or bed) with Netflix running, while constantly refreshing your social media feed to look at the newest #BirdBox meme (I’m going to watch it tonight so I can finally be in the loop!). While you’re in-between your show binge, it’s worthwhile to make sure you are preparing for your next semester to begin. Here are 3 easy, yet important steps to take to be ready to start your semester off with intention and energy!

Step 1: Reflect
Take time to think about the past semester. What went well? What didn’t? Did you accomplish the goals you set? If so, what enabled you to do so? If not, how come? Reflecting is an important step to take before you can make a plan to move forward. It allows you to see your progress, your mistakes, and evaluate your own life. But don’t get stuck here! Don’t wallow in some of the negative feelings that may arise. Yes, the professor wasn’t the nicest. Yes, you could have been to the gym more. This isn’t the time to get down on yourself; however, it’s important to remember the feelings that do arise because they can be your fuel to ensure you do better next time so you don’t have to feel like this again. OR if you had an amazing semester and you feel good, reflecting allows you to think about how good this feels and how you want to continue to have these good feelings. Jot down a few thoughts that defined the past few months for you in different areas–school, friendships, health, etc. Take 10 minutes to do so and move on to how you’re going to reset.

Step 2: Reset
This is the time where you make a plan for the next semester. Looking over what you wrote down when reflecting, what changes will you need to make? Do you need to commit more to office hours? Maybe find a better way to balance your social life and your schoolwork? Did you mental health really suffer and you realize you need a better way to seek help? Write down some of your commitments as well as HOW you plan to execute the changes. Do not, do not, do not have it all live in your head. Write it down and make it detailed. Try and think of any roadblocks that may come up that may deter you from your plans (hello, parties, I’m looking at you). What will be your strategy to use when these inevitable barriers do arise? You still have an opportunity to finish out your school year strong and properly resetting your mindset will help you get there.

Step 3: Recharge
This is the step that most of you are living in right now. Decompressing, sleeping in late, putting on a bunch of face masks and Snapchatting with your favorite filter. While these are great and fun, make sure you are recharging with intention. What do you need to motivate you to return back to school ready to conquer the semester? For some, this may be getting some physical energy back (aka working out and eating well–despite the Christmas ham you’re still munching on). For others, it may be re-centering yourself and practicing mindfulness. Imagine yourself as a battery and by the end of the semester, you were drained. Dead. Think about what drained you the most and how you felt. How can you recharge your battery intentionally so you’re fully charged for the semester and what can you do to stay charged throughout the semester?
Reflect. Reset. Recharge.
These three steps will allow you to start your semester off with intention and energy. I’m a big advocate of writing things down. Have all of these 3 steps live in the same spot on your phone or notebook so you can also refer back to them when you need to. I hope this was helpful and I can’t wait to continue to see you shine!
#studentsuccess #studentmentalhealth #educationsuccess #reflect #reset #recharge #studentsuccesscoaching
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