Save time and get results faster.
Think of this as the "fast pass lane" at Disney!

A half or full day dedicated just to you and your business growth!

Book a VIP Intensive!

A VIP Intensive is a day (or half day) dedicated just to you and your business! You will get 1:1 support, guidance, and consulting where instead of waiting weeks or months to get results, you can get the answers, strategy, and systems set up in a day!

🚀 Gain clarity, confidence, and a sense of empowerment to take your business to the next level. 

🚀Feel and be more focused and equipped with actionable strategies, leading to increased motivation and optimism about the future of your business. 

🚀Boost your self-assurance and decisiveness, leading to more effective decision-making in your business. 

🚀Feel a profound sense of achievement and progress, reinforcing their commitment to their business goals.

The same way I do strategy planning in my business is what the day will look like for you! 

Build out or refine your signature offer, including coaching on your speaking

From speaking engagements to workshops to training programs, we can build out or refine your offer for maximum impact, including how to leverage for greater opportunities.

Want to use the time to learn how to be a better speaker and facilitator and do run-throughs with direct feedback from a TEDx speaker? We can use this time to do that too!

Set up your inbound and outbound lead generation process and systems

Let's optimize your social profiles, comb through your lists, look for conferences, create your email or DM outreach templates, build out your presentation decks, and more. We will also create your marketing plan, look through your messaging and develop a system to measure your efforts for scale. 

Create your sales tracking systems

Sales is the heart of a business. We'll set up your sales systems and metrics for tracking, as well as go through sales activities for you to do consistently and even do mock sales calls.

video testimonials


Here's a look into what you get with your VIP Intensive.

Pre-Work 30-Min Session

We'll have a brief call before your VIP Intensive for us to get aligned on your current state of business and your goals for our time together. 

In-Depth Support

This time is truly dedicated solely to you and your business growth. You will also get an inside look into MY business and how I run things.  

Half or Full day Intensive + 30 days Implementation Support

You can choose between a half-day (4 hours) or full day (7 hours) of time together in March or April, as well as if you want virtual or in-person (in the NYC/NJ Metropolitan area).

FYI, the more time we have together, the better.

After our time together, I'll continue to provide support for 30 days as you begin to implement the strategy 

Meals and Celebration!

Depending on the time of day and format, we'll provide you with meals and get to celebrate together!

For example, if your Intensive is a full-day in-person, we will order in lunch and then go out to dinner together to celebrate your hard work!

Example VIP Intensive Schedule:

Sample 4-Hour VIP Intensive Schedule

Welcome and Introduction (30 minutes)
  • Brief orientation.
  • Reviewing intentions and goals for the session.
Business Strategy Mapping (1 hour)
  •  Analyzing current business model.
  • Identifying areas for growth and improvement.
Refining Offers (45 minutes)
  • Evaluating and improving product or service offers.
  • Discussing pricing strategies.
Lunch Break (30 minutes)
  •  A relaxed meal to recharge together, provided by Intention Elevation :)
Enhancing Speaking Skills (45 minutes)
  • Tips and practices to improve public speaking and presentation.
  • Role-play exercises for practical application.
Setting Up Lead Generation Systems (30 minutes)
  • Strategies for effective lead generation.
  • Tools and techniques for tracking and management.
Q&A and Wrap-Up (30 minutes)
  •  Addressing any remaining questions.
  • Summarizing key takeaways and next steps.

Sample 7-Hour VIP Intensive Schedule

Introduction and Goal Setting (45 minutes)
  • Welcome and reviewing the objectives for the session.
In-Depth Business Strategy Mapping (1 hour 15 minutes)
  • Detailed analysis of current business structure and strategy.
  • Identifying key areas for growth and improvement.
Break (15 minutes)
Refining and Developing Offers (1 hour)
  •  Thorough review and enhancement of products or services.
  • Discussing and strategizing pricing and packaging.
Lunch Break (1 hour)
  • A relaxing and nourishing meal together, provided by Intention Elevation :)
Enhancing Communication and Speaking Skills (1 hour)
  •  Advanced public speaking and presentation techniques.
  • Interactive exercises and feedback.
Break (15 minutes)
Lead Generation and Sales Systems (1 hour)
  • Developing robust lead generation strategies.
  • Setting up and optimizing sales tracking systems.
Interactive Strategic Planning (1 hour)
  • Addressing specific questions and challenges.
  • Creating a personalized action plan for moving forward.
Conclusion and Next Steps (15 minutes)
  • Summary of the day’s insights and strategies.
  • Discussing post-session support and follow-up.
Celebration Dinner Together!
  • We have dinner together at a restaurant to celebrate your hard work!

Who is the VIP Intensive best for?

I'm going to be really honest. The VIP Intensive is not for everybody. Take a look and see if you're a fit for this experience.

You're driven and results-oriented

You're perfect for this if you're an action-taker. To get the most out of the VIP Intensive and see the results post-session, you have to be someone who takes action, even if it's messy, to get results.

You're looking to elevate to the next level in your business.

You've been able to have some success but you're looking to tighten things up with strategy and a plan that you can follow for the year.

You've had financial success in your business OR you idea has been validated. 

If you're a beginner and have not yet generated any revenue in your business OR have not had your idea validated, meaning people have not sought out your work or shown interest directly in your work, this VIP Intensive is not the best fit at this time. The VIP Intensive is best for folks who have already begun generating revenue and have tested their skillset in the market.

You have space in your life to implement the plan.

We're going to cover a lot and it's going to be so exciting! But the most important part is what happens after. You want results that gives you more money, more fulfillment and more freedom. And to get those--you need to implement. 

What Folks Have To Say:

Hear from others who I've been able to support in their entrepreneurial journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of business do I need to have?

This is perfect if you have a service-based business that provides training, coaching, or consulting services to corporations, institutions, or individuals. Even better if you are in the mental health and wellness space!

If I'm just starting out, can I book an Intensive?

While we're so excited for you taking the leap to build your business, this intensive is meant for folks who have already started generating revenue in their business OR you idea has been validated in which people have sought you out for services. If you are just starting out, we encourage you to check out our SHOP for more resources. 

After I purchase, when can I book?

Once you submit your purchase, you'll get an email to book your Intensive and you'll see the available dates for March and April. Two weeks before your Intensive you'll get an email to schedule your 30-minute pre-session.

How does in-person work?

Great question! For in-person, we will book a location for us to work either in the NJ or the NYC area, depending on where you're located. We will also secure the restaurants for us to go and celebrate!

If you want that in-person energy but don't live near the NYC/NJ areas and want to fly in, be our guest! We can recommend the best airports to fly into and accommodations for you based on where we will be working.

What if something comes up and I need to reschedule?

We understand that life happens! If you need to reschedule, we ask for at least 72 hours in advance, especially if in-person, as reservations may need to be adjusted on our end. We will then send you a link to rebook for a time that is convenient for you.

How does the post-support work after the Intensive?

After you book you will get access to a Slack channel which is how we will communicate. This allows for more direct and faster communication as you are implementing. I will send you voicenotes, videos, etc. to help guide you over the 30 days. 

I have some more specific questions. Can I talk to you first?

Sure! Send me an email at and I'll be sure to answer any questions you may have.

Due to my schedule, spots are very limited as I can only support a few people 1:1 at a time. So act quickly!

Book Your VIP Intensive Today!

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