Center your culture for success with strategic programming and curriculum development approaches designed to support, encourage, and create opportunities for endless potential. 

Create positively impactful shifts in your organization. 

Intention Elevation Consulting 

Trainings/Professional development


our services


Program Developemt

Short and long term consulting

On-demand courses

Certification programs

agreed the training built knowledge, skills, and strategies for addressing mental health.


participants in the us & canada


our impact

book a discovery call

Initial 60-minute Strategy Consultation
Initial Program Design and Implementation Guidance 
Access to On-Demand Courses

This self-guided experience is for organizations looking for solutions but not quite ready for a more immersive transformation. It includes:

Intention Elevation Essentials

book a discovery call

Everything in Essentials, Plus:
Co-design and development sessions to outline needs, curriculum, and programming aligned with company and program priorities and objectives
Train the Leader Professional Development and Coaching
Sustainability Assessment and Planning
Access to On-Demand Courses

Receive side-by-side training and guidance to become your own expert within your organization for strategic programing development and implementation in this engaging experience. It includes:

Intention Elevation Leader

book a discovery call

Everything in Leader, Plus:
Strategic Advising and Planning for a 12-month Cycle 
Programmatic Initiatives Design and Implementation Support
Leadership and Staff Professional Training, Development, Support and Coaching

This fully integrated and done-for-you experience is perfect for organizations that want hands-on design and implementation done by the experts. 

Intention Elevation Transformation

Enroll your community into our Mental health mastery method

A mental health, life skills and leadership development program that supports students and young professionals with learning and applying foundational concepts and skills for everyday wellbeing.

Leadership & Life skills certification program

learn more

Reach out to get the answers you need and learn more about how we can help.

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