We are honored to have worked with many amazing institutions over the years. Below you will find case studies from some of our past clients, detailing their experience with Intention Elevation™️.
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I taught Bruiser how to shop online. I think I can handle Congress. Why let someone else do for you what you can do for yourself? When used appropriately, it has an 83 percent rate of return on a dinner invitation.
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"When I was writing my own launch copy it took me ages and wasn't that good. Now I can focus on my zone of genius as an educator and leave the writing to Elle!" - Madeline M.
"My course enrollment was 2x higher in our launch after working with Elle!"
"I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. [whistle] I object! I don't need backups. I'm going to Harvard.” - Elle W.
"Put a quote here from a client — pick something short and snappy!"
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