You did it. You finished remote learning, and congrats to the class of 2020 on your graduation. For recent college grads, you’re facing a new reality when it comes to looking for jobs. For high school grads, you lost many things due to this pandemic that you won’t be able to experience. As for the rest of us, we are facing the uncertainty of whether we’ll be going to back to campus in the fall. Students across the country and the world faced these new changes in a matter of months. Now that the academic year is over, summer is here. All of us are thinking, WHAT SUMMER?!
I’m even feeling this way. My study abroad program got cancelled, I can’t hangout with my friends unless we’re six feet apart, and I can’t go to my favorite restaurant to enjoy a nice meal. Many of you might be feeling the same way, with all your summer plans being cancelled.
All those feelings that a student might have felt during these last few months may suddenly reappear with the start of summer.

All these fast changes take a toll on your mental health, and as you find a way to face this new summer reality, it is also time to check up on yourself. Your mental health is just as important as your physical well-being.
This summer may not be the one you planned, but it has given you the opportunity to grow and reinvent yourself as a person. Although you may be confined to the four walls of your house, there are many things you can do to support your mental well-being and not feel trapped.

1. Take everything around you one day at time. It is very clear that summer is not going to be the same, but don’t look at the bigger picture. Look at every day as a chance to do something better for yourself and those around you.

2. Next, exercising and mediating is a great way to keep your mind distracted from the world around you. Not only are you getting into shape for that summer body, but you are eliminating and letting go of all the negative energy. After that workout or meditation session, you’ll be feeling tired at first but invincible the next and ready for anything.

3. Lastly, keep yourself busy. Take this time to do the things you like best. Do something that makes you feel good. Take this summer as a way to learn new skills, and as a way to better yourself as an individual and professional.

Remember don’t let this new summer reality, take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. Summer vacation is about having fun, so do it. After this challenging academic year, enjoy this time because you deserve it.

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